Solano Community College Logo, Tree breaking out of half dome.




Academic Renewal Policy

The open-door policy of the community college provides students of diverse abilities and aspirations with an opportunity to achieve success. Some students find that their early attempts at college have not been successful. It is not uncommon for students to return to college later and perform in a very satisfactory manner.

The academic renewal policy provides for the alleviation of previously recorded, substandard academic work (grades of D, F or NC) not reflective of a student's current scholastic ability. A student may petition to eliminate up to 30 units of substandard course work, provided the courses were completed at least three semesters prior to the petition, and the student has completed at least fifteen (15) units with a grade of C or better at an accredited post-secondary institution subsequent to the course work to be alleviated. The permanent academic record will be coded to indicate that the original grades will NOT be reflected in the grade point average; however, the courses will remain on the permanent record.

Final approval/disapproval for renewal will be granted by the Academic Council. Courses eliminated may not be applied toward any degree or certificate requirement. Solano College may honor the Academic Renewal Policy of other accredited institutions in disregarding previous academic work.

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Audit a Class

Course auditing is permitted as a service to students who have completed designated credit courses for the maximum number of allowable enrollments. The purpose of auditing is to allow students to continue study, after course repeatability has been exhausted. A list of courses that have been designated for auditing is available in the Office of Admissions and Records.

Auditing conditions are as follows:

  1. Student participation in the course is subject to instructor discretion.
  2. No grades or credit shall be awarded and no transcript of records maintained.
  3. Auditors may not change their status in the course from auditor to credit student or the reverse; and
  4. audit fees shall not be refunded.

The auditing fee is $15 per semester unit. One may apply to audit a designated course after the second meeting when class size has been established for regular students.

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Catalog Rights

Graduation requirements are determined according to the catalog in effect at the time of first enrollment. If enrollment is in any credit course and is continuous (at least one course is taken each academic year), then graduation requirements are taken from the catalog in effect at the time of first enrollment.

Students enrolled at another accredited public institution of higher education and meeting the SCC definition of continuous enrollment shall not lose their original catalog rights.

When a break in enrollment occurs, graduation requirements are determined according to the catalog in effect at the time of re-entry into continuous enrollment.

Leaves of absence must be requested and approved in advance of the term for which absence is anticipated. Leaves of absence must be approved by the Academic Council.

Students may choose to graduate under the catalog in effect at the time of the petition to graduate.

Each new catalog year begins with the summer session. Students may not complete general education requirements under one catalog and major requirements under another catalog.

Total Units

A degree requires a minimum of 60 semester units of course work including 21 semester units of general education requirements. At least 12 semester units must be completed at Solano Community College. The student must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 (C) in all courses attempted.


A minimum of 18 semester units must be concentrated in a designated field of study, as outlined in one of the two-year degree programs.

General Education Philosophy and Criteria Statements

General education represents the breadth component of a liberal arts education as compared with the in-depth study required for a major. The purpose of this requirement is to give students the opportunity to become acquainted with intellectual, social and aesthetic perspectives that can form the basis of an expanded plan for lifelong learning and enjoyment. In addition, it is designed to assist students in achieving an expanded context within which to explore their majors so as to enrich these specialized viewpoints.

This philosophy is intrinsic to the development of the following basic educational abilities and skills:

  • To improve the essential communication skills of speaking, writing, reading and listening.
  • To understand the heritage and culture of one's own society and the society of others.
  • To provide opportunities to gain information which could aid students in making realistic career decisions.
  • To provide the opportunity for students to achieve competence in mathematics and analytical thinking appropriate to their needs.
  • To provide educational experiences for students to gain understanding and appreciation in the basic areas of knowledge: the social and behavioral sciences, the natural sciences, and the humanities, which will provide an opportunity for cultural, intellectual and personal growth.
  • To develop insight and knowledge in the area of self-understanding.
  • To develop the knowledge and understanding of the rights, responsibilities and privileges involved in becoming a participating citizen in a democratic society.
  • To develop an understanding of technological developments and the effects these will have on society today and in the future.

Cross-Cultural Studies Requirement

The general education requirement for an Associate Degree from Solano Community College includes a 3-unit Cross-Cultural Studies course.

Additional courses will be developed and added to the curriculum in the future. However, any Cross-Cultural Studies course, either current or future, may be used by students to satisfy this requirement even if that course first appears in a Catalog subsequent to the beginning of the student's course of study.

General Education Structure

There are two options available for completing the General Education requirements for the Associate Degree: Options A and B (see current Catalog.)

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CLEP Examinations Approved at Solano College

Students who receive satisfactory scores on the CLEP (College Level Entrance Program) tests listed below will be awarded college credits for SCC equivalent courses. For more information, contact the Office of Admissions and Records.




General Examinations:

English Composition (with essay)

3 units

English 1


3 units

Elective Credit

College Mathematics

3 units

Elective Credit

Natural Sciences

5 units

Elective Credit

Social Sciences and History

3 units

Elective Credit

Subject Examinations:

College Algebra & Trigonometry

5 units

Math 4

American Government

3 units

Political Science 1

History of the United States: Early Colonizations to 1877

3 units

History 17

History of the United States II: 1865 to the Present

3 units

History 18

American Literature

6 units

English 30, 31

Analyzing and Interpreting Literature

3 units

English 2

English Literature

6 units

English 30, 31

College Composition

3 units

English 1

General Biology

5 units

Biology 2

Calculus with Elementary Functions

4 units

Math 20

General Chemistry

5 units

Chemistry 1 or 2

Introductory Psychology

3 units

Psychology 1

Human Growth/Development

3 units

Human Development 38

Principles of Accounting

3 units

Accounting 1

Principles of Macroeconomics

3 units

Economics 1

Principles of Marketing

3 units

Marketing 171

Introductory Sociology

3 units

Sociology 1

If a specific AP exam is not listed above, acceptance will default to the CSU standard. Please see counselor.

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College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB)

College Board Advanced Placement (AP) Examination Credit

Students who receive a score of 3,4, or 5 on Advance Placement (AP) examinations are awarded college units for equivalent courses as indicated below. For more information you may contact the Office of Admissions and Records.

AP (College Board Advanced Placement) Examination Credit



Credit Awarded (CSU Units)

Credit Awarded (UC Units)

SCC Equivalent Course

ART: Art History




ART 001

ART: Art History

4, 5



ART 001, 002


3, 4, 5



ART 006


3, 4, 5



ART 008


3, 4, 5


ART 014


3, 4, 5



BIO 015


3, 4, 5



CHEM O10, 001


3, 4, 5

3 2.7 ECON 001

3, 4, 5



ECON 002

ENGLISH: Language & Composition

3, 4, 5



ENGL 001

ENGILSH: Literature & Composition

3, 4, 5



ENGL 002





BIO 012





PLSC 002





PLSC 001

HISTORY: European




HIST 004/005

HISTORY: United States




HIST 017/018

HISTORY: Modern World




HIST 002/003





GEOG 002

Languages other than English





French Language/Culture




FREN 003/011

French Literature (Prior to F09)




FREN 004

Spanish Language/Culture




SPAN 002

Spanish Language/Culture

4, 5



SPAN 004

MATH: Calculus AB




MATH 020

MATH: Calculus BC




MATH 020, 021, 030

MATH: Calculus BC/AB subscore




MATH 020, 021, 030






PHYSICS: B Prior F 13




PHYS 002, 004





PHYS 002


4, 5



PHYS 004

PHYSICS: C mechanics




PHYS 006

PHYSICS: C electricity/magnetism




PHYS 007





PSYC 001





MATH 011

* If a specific AP exam is not listed, acceptance will default to the CSU standard. Consult with a counselor.

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Credit-by-examination is available for some courses that are not remedial or normally taught at or below the secondary education level. Courses eligible for credit-by-examination have been identified by the appropriate academic division. The amount of credit granted may not exceed the amount listed for the specific course in the college catalog.

To be eligible, the student must be enrolled currently at the College in at least one (1) graded course other than those being taken for credit-by-examination, be in good standing (overall 2.0 GPA) and have completed a minimum of 12 units in residence or will have completed a minimum of 12 semester units by the end of the current semester, exclusive of units to be earned by the credit-by-examination. All prerequisites must be met or waived by the Division Dean before a student takes an examination for credit, and no examination may be repeated. The maximum number of units that may be earned by credit-by-examination is 15. A petition for credit-by-examination must be filed with the Office of Admissions and Records no later than the FOURTH week of the semester.

If the petition for credit-by-examination is approved by the Division Dean, the student returns the petition to the Office of Admissions and Records. Eligibility will be checked and payment of a fee for preparation and administration of the examination in the amount of $20 per course unit.

Students may obtain a copy of the policy and the credit-by-examination petition form from the Information Window at the Office of Admissions and Records.

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Students may not register for classes or receive official transcripts until they have paid all outstanding debts, including debts from previous semesters:

  • Most debts for the current semester that are associated with Web registration can be paid online. A student who does not have Internet access or whose debt involves special circumstances, must submit payment to Admissions and Records (Building 400).
  • Outstanding debts associated with Web registration from previous semesters must be paid at the Office of Admissions and Records (Building 400).
  • Returned checks are turned over to a collection agency. There is a $15 service charge for each returned check. This debt is payable at the Credit Bureau of Fairfield, 460 Union Avenue, Fairfield.
  • All other debts must be paid to the Cashier in Fiscal Services (Building 600).

Students are advised to keep receipts as proof of payment.

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Notification of Students’ Rights under FERPA

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) afford eligible students certain rights with respect to their education records. (An “eligible student” under FERPA is a student who is 18 years of age or older or who attends a postsecondary institution.)

These rights include:

  1. The right to inspect and review the student's education records within 45 days after the day the Solano Community College receives a request for access. A student should submit to Admissions & Records a written request using the Authorization to Release Enrollment Information form that identifies the record(s) the student wishes to inspect. The school official will arrange for access and notify the student of the time and place where the student may inspect the requested records.
  2. The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the student believes is inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy rights under FERPA. A student should submit to Admissions & Records a written request using the General Appeal form clearly identify the part of the record the student wants changed, and specify why it should be changed. If the school decides not to amend the record as requested, the school will notify the student in writing of the decision and the student’s right to a hearing re¬garding the request for amendment.
  3. The right to provide consent before the college discloses personally identifiable information (PII) from the student's education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. (FERPA Exceptions: Disclosure without Consent)
  4. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the Solano Community College to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the Office that administers FERPA is:

    Family Policy Compliance Office
    U.S. Department of Education
    400 Maryland Avenue, SW
    Washington, DC 20202

[NOTE: In addition, a school is required to notify students annually regarding the public notice to disclose ‘directory information’. See ‘Notice for Directory Information’ below:]

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

Notice for Directory Information

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), a Federal law, requires that Solano Community College, with certain exceptions, to obtain your written consent prior to the disclosure of personally identifiable information from student education records. However, Solano Community College may disclose appropriately designated “directory information” without written consent, unless you have advised the College District to the contrary in accordance with College District procedures. The primary purpose of directory information is to allow the Solano Community College to include this type of information from student education records in certain school publications.

Directory information, which is information generally not considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if released, can be disclosed to outside organizations without student’s prior written consent. If you do not want Solano Community College to disclose directory information from student education records without your prior written consent, you must notify the District in writing by the first day of the specified term by submitting an Authorization for Release of Student Records form via Admissions & Records forms. Forms are available on the college website under Admissions & Records-Forms. Solano Community College has designated the following information as directory information:

  • Student’s Name
  • Date and Place of Birth
  • Solano Student Email
  • Field of Study
  • Participation in Activities and Sports
  • Weight and Height of Members of Athletic Teams
  • Dates of Attendance
  • Degrees
  • Awards Received
  • High School of Graduation of Athletic Team Members

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Solano College uses the following letter grade system for evaluating the quality of students' work:



Grade Point











Passing, less than satisfactory






Credit (at least satisfactory)



No Credit (less than satisfactory or failing)


Non-Evaluative Grades







Report Delayed






Military Withdrawal


A grade point average (GPA) is determined by dividing the total number of grade points earned by the total units attempted, excluding pass/no-pass courses and those in which W or I grades are earned. (Example: 36 grade points divided by 12 units attempted equals 3.0 GPA/B average.)

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Change of Grades

Students requesting a change of grade must initiate the request within one year after completing the course for which the grade change is being requested. After this period, if there are extenuating circumstances, a change of grade may be requested; however, the period for requesting a grade change may not exceed four years after the completion of the course.

Students should submit a request in writing directly to the faculty member within one year after completing the course for which the grade change is being requested. If the faculty member is not available, the request should be submitted through the appropriate Division Dean; however, only the faculty member that assigned the original grade may authorize a change of grade.

Important Note: Except in the cases of mistake, fraud, bad faith, or incompetence, a grade assigned by an instructor is not a grievous issue as described by the California Education Code (Section 76224): "…when grades are given for any course of instruction taught in a community college district, the grade given to each student shall be the grade determined by the instructor of the course and the determination of the student's grade by the instructor, and in the absence of mistake, fraud, bad faith, or incompetence, shall be final."

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How Your Solano GPA is Calculated

A grade point average (GPA) is determined by dividing the total number of grade points or "Quality Points" by the total units associated with a grade.

SCC calculates grade points per unit using the following values:

A = 4 points; B = 3 points; C = 2 points; D = 1 point; F = 0 point

The following grades are not incorporated into GPA calculations: P, NP, CR, NC, I or W.

To calculate grade points per course, we multiply the number of units earned in the class by the number of points earned for the grade

Units for class
× Points for grade
Grade Points for Class

For example, a 3-unit class earning a grade of A (worth 4 grade points) is calculated as:

3 units × 4 points = 12-grade points

To calculate your total GPA we use the formula above to calculate grade points earned for EVERY COURSE YOU’VE TAKEN AND RECEIVED A GRADE OF A, B, C, D, OR F.

Then, we divide the total grade points be 4; this is your overall GPA for SCC.

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President's: The President's Honor List recognizes those students who earn academic honors each semester. The President's List includes those students who have earned a grade point average of 3.85 or higher with at least 39 grade points in not fewer than 12 units of work completed.

Dean's: The Dean's Honor List recognizes those students who earn academic honors each semester. The Dean's List includes those students who have achieved a grade point average of at least 3.25 or higher with at least 39 grade points in not fewer than 12 units of work completed.

Alpha Gamma Sigma: Permanent membership in Alpha Gamma Sigma, the California Community College Honor Society, recognizes students who have maintained a high grade point average in all college work. Permanent membership may be awarded at the time of graduation.

Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society: Membership in Phi Theta Kappa, Beta Mu Gamma Chapter, recognizes the scholarly achievements of SCC students who have completed 12 semester hours associate degree course work, with a cumulative Grade Point Average of 3.5 in courses completed at Solano Community College. A cumulative Grade Point Average of 3.25 must be maintained to remain in good standing. Applications are available in the Student Development Office, Room 1409. One-time membership dues are $50 per student. Contact the Director of Student Development at (707) 864-7168.

Honors at Graduation: A student who achieves a cumulative grade point average of 3.50 to 3.74 will be graduated with honors; and 3.75 and above with high honors.

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Incomplete Grades

An incomplete grade may be assigned only when a student has failed to complete the final examination, a class project, or a term paper because of illness or severe personal problems. Incomplete work must be completed by the end of one calendar year.

When such conditions exist, the instructor and student must complete an "Incomplete Grade Contract" which outlines the work to be completed within one calendar year to result in an agreed-upon grade and states a preliminary grade which represents the grade earned by the student in work completed. When the work has been completed as outlined on the contract, the instructor will forward a "Change of Grade" card to the Division Dean. If the instructor of the course is no longer on campus, the manager will make arrangements to change the incomplete grade.

Students may not re-enroll in a course where they have an Incomplete Grade. Students who do not complete the contract will be assigned a grade at the end of one calendar year.

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Pass/No-Pass Option

The purpose of the pass/no-pass option is to encourage students to take challenging courses for electives outside the major area while avoiding undue concern for grades in competition with students who may be better prepared.

The P grade represents a letter grade of A, B, or C. The NP grade represents a D or F letter grade. Units earned in the grading system are not used in computing grade point averages. A letter grade cannot be changed to a pass/no-pass grade, and a pass/no-pass grade cannot be changed to a letter grade unless the course is repeated. A course in which a grade of NP has been earned may be repeated once for a P or letter grade. Some courses are offered only on a P/NP grading basis and letter grades may not be earned in these courses. These courses are identified in the Course Descriptions section of the Catalog.

Students may request P/NP grades in any regular graded class offered by the College but they are limited to a total of 15 semester units under the P/NP option while attending Solano College. In order to exercise this option, a petition must be filed with the Office of Admissions and Records at the time of registration, or by the FIFTH week of the semester for a full semester course. Petitions for summer session and short-term courses must be filed within the first thirty percent of the course.

Students should be aware that other colleges and universities may be reluctant to accept P/NP grades. Students should not take the P/NP option in their major fields of study.

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Military Service Credit

Solano College will grant six (6) elective units for military service if the person has a) spent at least one year in active service, and b) has received an honorable discharge. Active duty personnel should submit a copy of DD295 (veterans submit DD214) to the Office of Admissions and Records for evaluation. These units do not meet the health and physical education requirements for graduation.

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Preferred Name Process


Solano Community College seeks to provide an inclusive and non-discriminatory environment for all students, including transgender and gender non-conforming students who may opt to identify themselves with a preferred name that is different from their legal first name.

A preferred name is a first name that may be used instead of a legal first name. As long as the use of this different name is not for the purpose of misrepresentation, SCC allows students to use a first name different than the legal name on certain College records such as Canvas, Printed Class Rosters and Student Self-Service Banner (preferred name only shows on the print roster and does not show on the detail class list or excel download).

Your legal name must be used for financial aid documents and official academic transcripts.

Note that this process will not change your name legally.

Solano Community College will permit any student who wishes to choose to identify themselves within SCC information systems with a preferred name in place of their legal name. To change your preferred name, please follow these three simple steps:

  • Visit the Admissions & Records Forms page and locate the CHANGE OF STUDENT INFORMATION form, or use this link:
  • Complete form and return in person to the Admissions & Records counter at the Fairfield, Vallejo or Vacaville locations. You will need to show your SCC Student ID Card or other form of picture identification at the counter.
  • Please be aware that this change may take up to 24 hours to register on all systems.


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Students are expected to maintain a high level of quality work and conduct. All college work is measured in terms of both quantity and quality. The measure of quantity is the unit, and the measure of quality is the grade point average. Students failing to maintain an acceptable standard of academic achievement will be placed on probation or academically disqualified.

Academic Disqualification Policy

Academic Disqualification may result in dismissal. Dismissal prohibits the student from enrolling until one academic semester has passed.

  1. Placement on Academic Disqualification

A student will be academically disqualified for one or more of the following reasons:

  1. A probationary student's cumulative GPA average at Solano Community College remains below 2.0 for three consecutive semesters.
  2. A probationary student receives 50% or more of transcript entries as W, I, or NC for three consecutive semesters.
  3. The student achieves a semester GPA of less than 2.0 for three consecutive semesters.
  1. Removal from Academic Disqualification

A student will be removed from academic disqualification for any of the following reasons (unless any condition in A. above continues to exist):

  1. Satisfactory Progress After Disqualification:
    A student who meets the requirements for readmission after disqualification and achieves a semester GPA of 2.25 or greater, but does not have an overall cumulative GPA of 2.0 or greater, shall remain on academic probation until the cumulative GPA is 2.0 or better. (This condition only overrides A.1 above.)
  2. A student's cumulative GPA is 2.0 or better.
  3. A student's transcript entries of W, I or NC are less than 50% of all units attempted.

Academic Probation Policy

  1. Placement on Academic Probation

A student shall be placed on academic probation for one (1) or more of the following reasons:

  1. A student has attempted at least 12 total semester units and has achieved a semester or cumulative grade point average (GPA) of less than 2.0
  2. A student is readmitted to college after academic disqualification.
  1. Removal from Academic Probation

A student on academic probation is removed when his/her cumulative GPA is 2.0 or higher.

Progress Probation Policy

  1. Placement on Progress Probation

A student shall be placed on progress probation for the following reason:

A student has enrolled in a total of at least 12 semester units and received transcript entries of W, I, or NC for 50% or more of those units.

  1. Removal from Progress Probation

A student will be removed from progress probation when the student has received transcript entries of W, I, or NC for less than 50% of all units attempted.

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Repeatability of Courses

For additional credit – Certain courses may be repeated if the course content differs each time it is offered and if the student is gaining an expanded educational experience. For information on repeatability for a specific course, consult the Course Descriptions section of the Catalog.

Special Circumstances – A course in which a grade of "C" or better was earned may be repeated when extenuating circumstances exist which justify such a repetition. Students must obtain approval from the Academic Council prior to enrolling in the course. Grades awarded for courses repeated under these circumstances shall not be counted in calculating a student's grade point average. Students planning to transfer to a four-year institution should check that institution's policy on repeated courses.

To improve a grade – Students receiving a grade of D, F or NC may repeat the course immediately except for courses in impacted programs. When a course is repeated to improve a grade, the subsequent grade is used in determining the student's grade point average.

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